Vinyl Cutter
Creator: |
This page will eventually be the home of instructions, information, settings, and tips and tricks for using the vinyl cutter. Right now this is just a fundraising page for buying a vinyl cutter for the shop. List your contribution and if you know of a good vinyl cutter, add it for consideration!
- Omegix, $45 - PAID (SELF)
- Ramgarden, $50
- TylerCrumpton, $50 - PAID
- Enabrintain, $50, - PAID
- DanNeilson, $20 - PAID
- Barbara, $30 - PAID
- CrashCart, $25
- Daniel Valdez, $20 - PAID
- Random Donation - $10
Totals $175 + $50(iff 871) + $75(at$300cutter) = $300 for the MH-871 + TBD?
About Vinyl Cutter
Unpacked, needs to be setupDone! -
Mini-class on using the vinyl cutter and related softwareDone! (But ask tylercrumpton if you missed out on the first one) - Control computer is up and running.
- Dual boots linux/windows.
- Has localplot, inkscape installed.
- Computer and cutter are located in the upstairs loft, between hackables and craft table.
- First vinyl order will most likely be made on Friday, November 30, 2012.
- Put your name down on the Vinyl Cutter/Vinyl Consumables page if you want in on the order!
Consumables and Materials
Please see the Vinyl Cutter/Vinyl Consumables page for more information on group orders, and usage of the materials.
The shop now has a small HPGL plotting program called localplot. Documentation is hosted on github.
Cutting manually from Linux
Need: A USB to Serial adapter.
For our purposes, I'm referring to this USB->Serial device as /dev/ttyUSB0
Install Inkscape and InkCut v1.0
Tell InkCut to output to file, not printer or serial. When you click "Plot" it'll bring up a window where you can copy all of the raw plotting commands. Copy them, and then paste them into a screen session:
screen /dev/ttyUSB0 9600
The system will cut the vinyl, and you can close the screen session.