Archives/Shop 3.0/Hackerspace Digest/HSD 0027 2012-05-10
- 27th Show.
- Recording time: May 10th 8pm
Show Format
- Introduction - who, what, when, where, why
- Update on what Makers Local 256 is doing.
- Stories
- Events
- Thats all folks
This is Hackerspace Digest episode number 27 recorded on May 10th 2012. Hackerspace Digest is a fortnightly podcast recorded by members of Makers Local 256 in Huntsville, Al. Check out for more information about us. I am (realname) also know as (online_name) online, (rest of people fill in starting to left of the main host).
Makers Local 256 update
- Kix is starting a LED Cube Project -- brimstone
- Clean up meeting -- crashcart
- Reddit post on how other spaces have dealt with this problem
- Mill -- brimstone
- put-put golf course every Hackerspace must build -- jimshoe
- LVL1 Boneyard Hackathon 2012 -- jimshoe
- How small can you make an arduino? -- brimstone
- Depends on what you want to do with it. -- brimstone
- PS:1 is playing with toys again. -- crashcart
- HacDC's mesh makes NPR -- brimstone
- Milwaukee Makerspace Group Photo --jimshoe
- Freeside Atlanta help fix a foot --jimshoe
- CMKT4 is making a tour of the west coast hackerspaces. --crashcart
Random Wiki Finds
- Passport Stamp Contest --jimshoe
- Linux System Administration Study Group --jimshoe
- MM-Tweeter --brimstone
- Today! at Crashspace Holography Workshop
- June 2, 2:00 pm Pig Roast 2012 -- brimstone
- June 16, 1:00 pm, DIY Rocket Engine Class -- brimstone
- July 7, 7:00pm Retro Gaming & Computing Night -- jimshoe
- July 21, RepRap Buildoff -- brimstone
Thank you for listening. If you have any questions, comments, or basically anything, we want to hear your thoughts. You can find us on the Freenode IRC network in #makerslocal, or you can send us an email to You can find out anything about us on Have a good one.
Hackerspace Digest is a production of Makers Local 256. Hackerspace Digest is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike 3.0 Unported license (CC-By-SA-3.0 Unported).
The music was May by Alexander Blu available on Jamendo which is licensed CC BY-SA 3.0