Fundraising/Enjoy The City/2014
Creator: |
I am signing up to purchase Enjoy the City Books to Raise money for the shop. Here is the 2014 Book:
The books are purchased in blocks of 10, and we purchase the minimum amount. The cost-to-us is $10 a book, and we sell them for $20 each.
- Omegix has one book left as of 1/9/2014.
- The $100 check for the money raised has been delivered to ML256 Treasurer
Books Pending Delivery
Books Delivered
- Jeff (on top of microwave at work)
- Mog (cash)
- Jimshoe (paypal)
- Kix (paypal)
- Ben (Michele's Boss)
- Kim Muse (Paypal)
- Andy Grose
- Barbara Cotten
- Daniel Nielson
Order me a book!
Ordered, Arriving 10/18/12
- Jeff Cotten (for me)- DELIVERED
- Jeff Cotten (for parents)
- Eli Walker - delivered: NEED MONEY
- Barbara Attilio - DELIVERED
- Chazz Moye (for me and mine)
- Tyler Crumpton - DELIVERED
- Satyam - DELIVERED
Second Order
- John Kelly
- Chrystine Gorman
Selling Books
Omegix' personal credit card is on file with Enjoy the City, so if you don't send them the money you raised, Omegix comes at your kneecaps.
You can order as many or as little books as you desire.
You are responsible for 75% of the books you receive. You can return up to 25% of the books you request from Enjoy the City, but they have to be undamaged, You have to pay for the return shipping.
How I personally did it was I got verbal commitments from people, and then ordered that amount plus 1 or 2 books to sell to random people. Once I sold them, I cut a check to Enjoy the City and Makers Local, each getting half of the profits.
I also went ahead and paid Enjoy the City for all the books I requested because I knew I didn't want to deal with mailing shit back. I think that "return 25% of the books" thing is really for schools selling hundreds of these things at a time.
Nice perk: you get 1 free book for every 5 you sell. Not really sure how this works yet, cause I paid them for 7 books. Maybe I was only supposed to pay them for 6? I'll call and find out.
- Determine how many books you want
- Contact Omegix and he'll order them. They should arrive to omegix' place within 3 days.
- Omegix will arrange to get them to you
Where to Mail Money
Enjoy the City 111 Appledgate Court Pelham, AL 35124