HAM Shack
From Makers Local 256
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This wiki page is to track the resources available at Makers Local 256 for the Ham Shack. Makers Local HAM Email list: http://lists.makerslocal.org/mailman/listinfo/hams
- May 14 2015, 7:00pm - 8:00pm: Ham Radio Meetup
Meeting Notes
Hardware Resources
- Fiberglass ham mast mounted to side of makeshop, permaloaned from Jeff.
- BroadBand Ham Node (BBHN) KM4KER-1 is currently residing on top of the Ham Shack.
- Currently running the OLSRd based bbhn firmware
- Also running the HamChat.pl package.
- Donated (StarMaster) newinbox classic SWR meter
- Kenwood Radio (is this the radio in the Champaigne room)
- HF Rig
- Status: [Bruce] took [his] dummy load and used the shop power meter to look at that HF rig. It has a tube final and [he] didn't want to drive it too hard without knowing the radios history but [he] got 50 W out out of it. [He doesn't] know how clean the signal was but it was drifting on the readout quite a bit. Receive seems to have a problem. Also, being an old radio, it may not be a good option for new hams first experiences even if we can fix it. ~From Bruce's Email 2/9/15
- Club Callsign
- Baofeng programming cable
- Omegix has one available
- Enabrintain has one available
Current Projects
- Monthly General List Recap Email (if anything has been done)
- Get Club Call Sign transferred to new Trustee (previous trustee is no longer a member).
- Jeff has downloaded the form and is waiting to find out the current club call sign --Omegix (talk) 11:37, 3 February 2015 (CST)
- Jeff has the forms in the mail to ARRL making member Jake Polatty (General License) the new Trustee of the club callsign, KM4KER. --Omegix (talk) 09:52, 6 February 2015 (CST)
Brainstormed Projects
- Setup a long throw point-to-point or point-to-multipoint connection to the shop.
- Attend HAM Class via HARC (need a group for this)
- Flash Broadband Ham Meshnet firmware onto spare routers at the shop
- Setup DSTAR point at makeshop
HAMs (Friends and Members of ML256)
- Omegix, KK4DTX
- License: Technician
- Available on request
- Radios Baofeng (2M/440M), iCom ID-31A (440M/DSTAR)
- Antennas: A Yagi Antenna that's part of a Verizon Wireless cell repeater
- Jake Polatty, KI4BTJ
- License: General
- Trustee of Makers Local 256 Club Call Sign (KM4KER)
- Radios: Yeasu FT-890 (HF Rig)
- Tuner: MFJ-945D
- Sound Card Interface: MFJ-1275 (Digital modes for FT-890)
- Linear Amp: Alinco ELH-230D (Power amp for HTs)
- Erik Arendall, W4EDA
- Greg Brown
- Brimstone
- Bruce Campbell
- Available on Request: 100' Coax Cable, A 2m/70cm radio
- Justin Richards (not on HAM email list)
- Crashcart
- Preaux, KI4SGI