HAM Shack/Antenna Tower
From Makers Local 256
Creator: |
[hide]Non-Tower Options
Telescoping Mast
Current Mast
- http://www.mgs4u.com/Antenna-MK-8-HD.htm
- It is important that each tube not be extended farther than 12 inches from the bottom of each section. As per the instructions, these are absolute minimums
- The screws on the quik-clamps are reverse threaded
- The clamps were glued on by greg and jeff with two part epoxy
- Only one guy ring was purchased, for the thinnest section of the pole. It is not yet known if it is needed.
- Jeff has hardcopy of Original instructions (kept at his office).
Alternative Designs
- http://telescopingantenna.blogspot.com/
- https://sites.google.com/site/g1hznhamradio/homebrew-radio-mast
Tilting Mast
- 2 x 1-1/2" Steel Flange ($9.30 / ea)
- 2 x 1-1/2" Steel Nipple, 3" ($9.30 / ea)
- 2 x 1-1/2" Steel Nipple, 6" (~$12 / ea)
- 1 x 1-1/2" Tee ($8.57 / ea)
- 2 x 1-1/2" Elbow ($8.32 / ea)
- Plate (Free)
- 4 x Grounding Rods (?)
Total: $86.41
Base Options
Design considerations
- We can't drill holes in the building
- Want something we can leave erected 24/7
- Can't be higher than 20' above property (city ordinance, needs source)
- Heavy Concrete Pour
- Cons: Need landlord approval, cost prohibitive
- Semi-permanat tripod
- Description from Darryl: Since you are leasing no concrete could be used, but maybe three long and stout ground-stakes might be driven and bolted to the tower legs. If you do this it would be best to set the bottom section to a well-painted steel plate at least 1/4 inch thick with holes for the ground-stakes. I have done this a couple of times. I got the steel plate at Service Steel at 4208 E Schrimsher Ln SW, Huntsville, AL 3580. They cut my plate to the rectangular size requested. If you make a stable and level base and attach the three legs securely to the ground-stakes, it should not need any guy-lines.
- Pros: More Portable than a concrete pour.
- Cons: Easier to steal
- Military Surplus Pole Kit
- Cons: Easiest to steal
- Sleeves Magnetically Mounted To Sheet metal Wall of Building
- Cons: Darryl (has mounted several antennas) has said that it's doubtful that the magnetic force thin sheet metal could provide would hold the tower up when strong winds hit it.
- Non-penetrating Roof Saddle
- Cons: Good for mounting an antenna to, but not a mast.
Metal Tower
This is a planning page for putting up the Antenna Tower at the Make Shop
Instructional Resources
Parts Needed
- Hinged Base Plate: https://www.protelecomsupply.com/rohn-products-llc-25g-hinged-base-plate ~$350
- This is expensive, can we get someone to weld a custom one together?
- Called Gigaparts, they don't sell these, but recommended MFJ in Starkville, MS.
- Have emailed in a request --Omegix (talk) 16:55, 4 February 2015 (CST)
- MFJ Says to try Texas Towers, and that baseplates are typically sold with the tower
- Concrete (likely to be purchased by a concrete supplier)
- "$90/cubic Yd + fees for loads under 4 cY. and they do not dig holes or any other kind of site setup just show up, pour concrete, and leave my cement mixer is a 1.25 cubic Ft mixer so you'd have to load it 21 times to make a single cubic Yd and the ham tower will probably need 2 cu Yds also plus the cost of dry concrete, of course." ~Enabrintain
- Shovels for digging the hole
- Rebar
- Wood for hanging the base place rods in the setting concrete
- Base Plate bolts: https://www.google.com/shopping/product/5017470159642663498?safe=strict&sclient=psy-ab&q=ham+radio+hinge+base+plate&oq=ham+radio+hinge+base+plate&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.85142067,d.eXY&biw=1680&bih=939&tch=1&ech=1&psi=XZvSVJKsIIyqgwTe8oO4Cw.1423088478217.3&prds=paur:ClkAsKraX9bj71jeeL1S1XzgS8kKSlzpdgsdMS2CmcvKSwYKyZeP90On-EBgmYVPRsmyXOdMl4BrLeHDrf62vID_rWP7SzStB9y-0gG04FRcqBArlLJEVBOgNhIZAFPVH7169tvGCn28Wql0GPcCuV5CTiNaaw&ei=apvSVIAtw6WDBOukg9gK&ved=0CHMQpiswAg ~$30
- if we had something that could bend metal bolts, it seems like we could make these ourselves
- Hand crank wench
- Wire for wenching the tower up and down
Capabilities Desired
- Needs to be tilt-able so we can easily service the equipment mounted on the tower without climbing it
- Needs to be semi-portable, meaning that if we ever move we can unbolt the tower and take it with us.
- Electric wench would be preferrable for taking it up and down, but we could probably do alright with a hand crank.