LAN Party
From Makers Local 256
Note that the following information is archival and will be updated as soon as a new time for the event has been planned.
We definitely need more funds coming in to the shop, so I thought I'd start brainstorming for an event to host at the shop. Crashcartpro ran a small event a little while ago and it seemed to work.
Basic Event Information
- Name: Makers LAN Slam
- Proposed Date: August 28
- Time: 8 pm
- Location: Make Shop
- Cost to Attend: $3? $5? To be discussed
- Game Tournaments, with cheap prizes (like BFG)
Proposed Date: Saturday August 28 at 8pm, far enough that it won't conflict with our next Open House
Planning Dates
Planning Meeting: TBD
- Tournaments
- Starcraft 2 will be out by then
- Super Street Fighter 4
- Suggest a game
- Brian - organizing
- Trevor - Issuing press releases and fliers
- Working table for admissions
- Omegix - contacted BAWLS for sponsorship (product or cash donation)