LAN Party 2
From Makers Local 256
Note that the following information is archival and will be updated as soon as a new time for the event has been planned.
Electric Boogaloo
It has been way to long since we got overcaffeinated and blew each other up...
Basic Event Information
- Name:
- Proposed Date: 4/30
- Time: 8 pm - 8 am
- Location: Make Shop
- Cost to Attend: $5, $0 if you bring a friend
- Optional (but encouraged) Event Sign-up:
- Tournaments
- Unreal Tournament III
- Team Fortress 2
- StarCraft II
- Minecraft
- Greg - organizing
- spacefelix - Snack Fuds
To Do
- Find tables and chairs; the workbenches are a pain in the ass, literally
- At $75 a pop, we wont be buying tables any time soon; beg, borrow, or steal
- Come up with flyer
- Distribute flyer
- Potential places go here
- Distribute flyer
- Check shop electrical system to make sure we have enough juice
- 15 or 20 amp breaker dedicated to the AC can be used
- New breakers can be plugged in to make more circuits
- Check shop space to figure out max capacity
- Check parking lot to make sure cars can drive there
- Concessions/Food
- Spacefelix will be buying chips, candy and canned drinks (if soda machine not repaired by 4/30/11, will store them in ice coolers). Will sell each item at $0.50 each to make some money for the shop and keep it low cost for the gamers.
- Spacefelix may be able to run the concessions stand all throughout the event, but we ought to provide a backup for him. He may have to leave the event early depending on what happens at work for him.
- CLEAN SHOP - Cleaning work slated for 4/28 to 4/30.