Member Grants 2018
[hide]Selected Member Grants for 2018
- "The RFP will run for one month after this Proposal passes member voting will occur in parallel with proposing, but will last another week after the RFP period ends."
- RFP Will End Nov 4th
- Member Voting Ends Nov 11th
The shop raised money from the pig roast and was also given money from a former member who loves us!
The money is divided into 4 pools of $300, $300, $100, and $100. We're going to use this wiki page to accept proposals and vote on what you want to do with the money. This can include shop improvements, tool purchases, anything that boosts shop moral (and is legal in the state of Alabama). Add your proposal to this page so that all will know. Proposals will have to include a deadline of when this project will be completed (unless the nature of the project precludes that) and an explanation of what you plan to do with one of the fund pool. Feel free to include multiple proposals, but make sure they're ones that you and other named members can carry out. Each proposal should cover Who (as in project leader and helpers), What (project details), When (start and completion dates), Where (where in the shop this will live, where your event will take place, etc.) and Why (why do you think this will help the shop - don't overthink it, I just like the 5W's). If the project doesn't get finished or the money is not all spent, it will be returned to the shop general fund after the project's finish date. If it doesn't make sense to have a finish date for the proposed pool, eg. "$100 set aside for propane", it will get recorded in the treasurer's book and Phil will cringe a little as the book gets a teensy bit harder to read. ;-)
Use of the discussion page is also encouraged.
- For the $300 proposals, please put your name\vote next to just two proposals.
- For the $100 proposals, please put your name\vote next to just two proposals.
Check back here for dates of when the Request for Proposal time ends, as well as which proposals win.
Please see Member Grants 2012 and Member Grants 2015 for examples of how proposals were made in the past.
- Vacuum table like this one
- More vacuum cleaners
- A screen printing station project
- bug zappers
- even more vacuum cleaners
$300 Proposals
Electronics Reflow Oven
- Who: tylercrumpton
- What: Purchase of a T962A Infrared Automatic Reflow Oven (300×320mm): LINK
- When: Immediately after the grants are awarded. (+ probably about 30 days for shipping)
- Where: To be installed upstairs near the PCB Pick and Place machine
- Why: We have a Pick and Place machine! It can help you assemble one or hundreds of electronics boards! Unfortunately, it's not that helpful unless you have an oven. The toaster oven has worked a little bit, but these machines work so much more reliably and quickly.
- How Much: $300.00 (with the remaining ~$50 to be covered by Tyler)
- Votes: tylercrumpton, Robert Butler, Dmitriy Plaks, traviscrumpton, Phil
Kitchen Renovation
- Who: Travis Crumpton, Enabrintain
- What: pull up the carpet in the kitchen and put down linoleum tile, (if funds allow: install better wallboard, move oven)
- When: during the 4th quarter, 2018
- Where: The Kitchen
- Why: Carpet in a kitchen feels bad, hygiene
- How Much: $300 for linoleum glue, tiles, wall border, showerboard
- Votes: Bradley Marshall, Jeff C., Phil, Kinsey, Carla, traviscrumpton, Brett Pagel
ScreenPrinting Rig
- Who: Bradley Marshall
- What: Buy a frame holder, some screens and all of the necessary chemicals to screenprint shirts and other such materials.
- When: Once approved
- Where: Arts and Crafts
- Why: So we can make our own shirts for events and for fun.
- How Much: slightly less than 300$ for it all
- Votes: Bradley Marshall, bobbytables, Robert Butler, Carla,Nick Kopp, Norm Marshall, Thomas Slusser, Nathan Bouldin, Brett Pagel
BBQ Smoker
- Who: Andrew
- What: Smoker for events, including pig roast
- When: Already Started
- Where: Outside Make Shop
- Why: Having a smoker would allow us to not have to rent one every pig roast, and make a smoker available year round
- How Much: Total cost for this project is $1500 in materials. It's getting done no matter what, but at a speed of what can be afforded at the time.
- Votes: Jeff C. , Andrew, Kinsey
Your Proposal here
- Who:
- What:
- When:
- Where:
- Why:
- How Much:
- Votes:
$100 Proposals
LoRaWAN Radio Gateway - Enable Free IoT for HSV
- Who: tylercrumpton
- What: Purchase and installation of one LoRaWAN Gateway device (something similar to this)
- When: 1 month to install the gateway and get it set up
- Where: To be installed on the radio mast outside of the shop
- Why: LoRa is an long-range wireless protocol that can be utilized by small and inexpensive modules. LoRaWAN gateways connect one of these modules to the Internet so that IoT devices like sensors and controllers can use the LoRa connection to publish or receive data from the Internet. Basically, one gateway can serve as an access point for devices in a multi-mile radius, often eliminating the need for a cell connection. The modules can be found for as little as $5 and can be connected to a Raspberry Pi, Arduino, or similar device. Monitor your beehive remotely, track your car with a GPS module, detect earthquakes, or do something completely different!
- How Much: ~$80
- Votes: tylercrumpton, traviscrumpton, Dmitriy Plaks, Kinsey, Phil, omegix,Nathan Bouldin
Stained Glass Supplies
- Who: bobbytables
- What: Purchase stained glass supplies so people can do projects
- When: First batch shortly after selection, possible follow up later
- Where: To be kept on arts and crafts workbench
- Why: The shop has some tools and supplies that are needed (grinder, foil) but doesn't have glass cutters and other misc items. I'd like to purchase those so that I can teach multiple people to do stained glass and people can make projects without having to borrow tools from me. I plan to make an initial order and then follow up with a second if there's enough interest and usage shows there's more things that are needed.
- How Much: $50-100 depending on usage
- Votes: bobbytables Robert, Carla, Thomas Slusser
Alignment Camera for Laser Cutter
- Who: tylercrumpton
- What: A small, high-resolution USB webcam to mount inside the laser cutter for part alignment:
- When: 1 month to install the camera and get it set up with LightBurn
- Where: To be installed in the large laser cutter
- Why: LightBurn (the best software to use with our large laser cutter) has support for camera-based part alignment. This means you can place a sheet of material in the laser cuter, figure out where the edges and cuts will line up, and hit go! It simplifies a lot of measurement and shifting around of items, as well as a little bit of eyeballing and guesswork, resulting in more accurate cuts and more effective use of material.
- How Much: ~$85
- Votes: tylercrumpton, omegix,
Robert Butler, Carla, Nick Kopp, Dmitriy Plaks, Traviscrumpton, Kinsey, Phil, Thomas Slusser, Nathan Bouldin, Brett Pagel
Your Proposal here
- Who:
- What:
- When:
- Where:
- Why:
- How Much:
- Votes: