From Makers Local 256
Policy rejected\withdrawn, see member list archives for details.
This draft is for a new policy to be added to the Policies/Financial
Facilities Committee Policies
- When a purchase is
- For the repair of property owned by Makers Local 256, or
- When a purchase is for the repair of a facility managed by Makers Local 256 and within the right-to-repair agreement with the property Owner,
- When the Treasurer has confirmed there is enough funds in the Facilities earmark to cover the cost of the purchase, and
- When the amount of the purchase is at or under $500, and
- When the Facilities Director has provided documented approval of the purchase,
- The Facilities Committee may make purchases on behalf of the organization that are pre-approved for reimbursement from Makers Local 256 up to $500.
Not-Part-of-the-Policy Clarifications
- If it's over $500 or needs to come from a fund other than facilities, or doesn't fit any of the above, a whole board vote is required with a simple majority.
- This is an amendment to the Facilities director fancy hat, so it shouldn't require a bylaws change since there is nothing there about spending.