From Makers Local 256
- Figure out what to do with tons of old vinyl records. One idea: guitar picks.
- Make soap - Need to get with Tuttle on this
- Fix my enlargers
- Set up my darkroom
- Take more pictures with my tin cans
- Make more pinhole cameras with random found objects
- Frugal living talk - DONE
- Green Living baby steps - DONE
Near Future
- Build a brush holder for my sumi-e brushes
- Learn Haskell and C
Way Distant Future
- Use Haskell and C to make a painting program that simulates watercolor, chinese brush painting, and sumi-e
Finished Projects
- Build a thimble shelf for my mother's collection of thimbles
Personal Links (shameless plugs)
My web/graphic design portfolio
DeviantArt Gallery (more recent and older art works)