Makers Local 256
Makers Local 256 |
Makers Local 256 is a group of like-minded individuals who have created a hacker space located in Huntsville, AL. We are a nonprofit charitable organization helping to join experienced and inexperienced tinkerers in an educational setting. Together we design and work on projects in all hobbyist/DIY fields, particularly where projects overlap multiple fields. Feel free to stop by our location or contact us through other means. |
Prospective Members |
General Meetings |
Recent Changes |
20 March 2025
General |
Supplies Got a project in mind but you're waiting for that one component? Got that one component that someone's been waiting for? Group Projects A list of projects suitable to group projects. The Wiki Project to help improve the wiki. Field Trips Info about field trips Inventory (members only) Items loaned and residing at the shop Classes Do you have a current planned class scheduled to happen, would you like to contribute to improving on classes, or list a class you just held? Users Pages Listing of all wiki user pages. |