Omegix/Omegix General Status/2010
From Makers Local 256
Ordered pig for Pig Roast 2010 | Omegix 14:45, 13 October 2010 (CDT) |
Put new wire connections on RC Lawn Mower and performed a test run. | Oct 12th |
Soldered longer wire onto new motor on RC Lawn Mower | Oct 6th |
Dropped off C02 canisters and valve for booze backpack | Oct 5th |
Get RC Lawn Mower running around on two motors outside the shop | Oct 5th |
Started looking into next pig roast | Omegix 15:24, 29 September 2010 (CDT) |
Researched Motor Control options for RC Lawn Mower | Omegix 15:24, 29 September 2010 (CDT) |
Worked on RC Lawn Mower | Sept 28 |
Worked on booze backpack with gregabyte | Sept 18 |
Worked on RC Lawn Mower | Sept 18 |
Attended beer brewing session (external project) | Sept 18 |
Finished hackaday android tutorial #3 (Databases) | Sept 16 |
Held welding session for RC Lawn Mower | Sept. 13 |
Attended General Meeting. Took support minutes. | Sept. 12 |
Requested tour of Lincoln Mill for Makers Local 256 | Omegix 14:14, 19 July 2010 (CDT) |
Finished painting and assembly Speakerbox Restoration and delivered to the P-spot | July 16 |
Picked up another scooter chassis with motor and wheel assembly for RC Lawn Mower as well as batteries to run the motors | July 16 |
Finished repairing the fan remote control | July 15 |
Announced Finance email list on the Discuss list for | Omegix 16:14, 9 July 2010 (CDT) |
Got contact info for the flying monkey for the Movie fundraiser | July 8 |
Hosted RC Lawn Mower meeting | July 8 |
Worked on X10 Ackis Module | June 22, 2010 |
Visited Theater with MrWorld to get information on how to book theater for event | June 22, 2010 |
Pinged five hackerspaces about a finance mailing list to poll for interest. Contacted Astera about creating the list. | Omegix 12:44, 16 June 2010 (CDT) |
Worked on X10 Ackis Module | Omegix 00:32, 16 June 2010 (CDT) |
Worked on X10 Ackis Module | Omegix 00:50, 15 June 2010 (CDT) |
Attended Board Meeting. Attened HSIS meeting, transitioned out of HSIS Lead. | June 14th |
Attended Summer Noms 2010 planning lunch at Preaux's | June 13 |
Added new underlying functions to X10 Ackis Module that will soon allow users to alias their modules without manually editing the config file. | Omegix 19:34, 11 June 2010 (CDT) |
Submitted NGC grant application for Makers Local | Omegix 14:03, 11 June 2010 (CDT) |
Worked on stencil and spraypainted corner plates silver for Speakerbox Restoration | June 10th |
Published Version 2.0 of X10 Ackis Module. Started work on Version 2.1 | June 9th |
Worked on X10 Ackis Module | Omegix 22:09, 7 June 2010 (CDT) |
Attended PR Meeting | Omegix 22:09, 7 June 2010 (CDT) |
Worked on Speakerbox Restoration |
Started Speakerbox Restoration project with the help of Gregabyte, Katie, and Brimstone | May 26th |
Did some angle grinding on the RC Lawn Mower chassis | May 19th, 2009 |
Brainstormed some on the Lunch Ackis Module | Omegix 16:48, 19 May 2010 (CDT) |
Spent some time familiarizing and troubleshooting GNUcash for the ML256 Treasury import of year 2009 | Omegix 16:48, 19 May 2010 (CDT) |
Updated RC Lawn Mower wiki | Omegix 17:16, 18 May 2010 (CDT) |
Typed up supplementary notes from board meeting and notes from finance meeting. Called state farm and confirmed that we have a payment due tomorrow | Omegix 17:16, 18 May 2010 (CDT) |
Attended Finance Committee Meeting | May 17, 2010 |
Attended Board Meeting | May 17, 2010 |
Worked on RC Lawn Mower | May 14, 2010 |
Purchased Sea Foam for the RC Lawn Mower | Omegix 14:31, 10 May 2010 (CDT) |
Spent six hours picking up a free lawn mower for the RC Lawn Mower project. BAH. Spent another three hours doing design and showing the make shop to potential members. | May 8th |
Visited GumboLabs hackerspace in New Orleans | April 29th |
Posted a wanted add for the RC Lawn Mower project, and used it as an opportunity to advertise to a niche audience | Omegix 16:10, 28 April 2010 (CDT) |
Attended HSIS Meeting, played with Ethan's electrolysis HHO making contraption | April 26, 2010 |
Showed katie, visiting from HacDC, around the make shop | April 26, 2010 |
Attended cleanout of Qore's old equipment | Omegix 14:17, 8 April 2010 (CDT) |
Installed heyu and communicated with my X10 cm11a for the X10 Ackis Module | 4/7/2010 |
Setup Scrounge session at Qore for makers local folk | 4/6/2010 |
Created page for One Wire Computer | Omegix 08:59, 2 April 2010 (CDT) |
Attended Annual Meeting & helped brainstorm at Finnegans afterwards | April 19th |
Manned the UAH Expo Table | March 31st |
Helped out at the Shop Cleanup Day | March 27th |
Attended HSIS meeting. Retrieved a CF card for testing the firmware for shitty camera from karrika | Omegix 10:25, 23 March 2010 (CDT) |
Got the power turned back on at the shop | Omegix 16:27, 17 March 2010 (CDT) |
Purchased smoke detectors for shop | Omegix 13:29, 16 March 2010 (CDT) |
Attended Members Meeting | Mar 15 |
Recruited for volunteers for Mar 31st UAH EXPO | Omegix 14:13, 11 March 2010 (CST) |
Added !Alert and X10 description to hackerspace software | Omegix 14:16, 11 March 2010 (CST) |
Helped clean up and attended Hammer Time tutorial | March 10th |
Worked on 32 bit D programming environment | Omegix 23:23, 8 March 2010 (CST) |
Attended HSIS meeting | Omegix 23:23, 8 March 2010 (CST) |
Attended Hackerspace Call-in/2010-03 for Makers Local 256, and for soliciting Hackerspace Awards involvement/categories | Mar 7th |
Looked at some Canon cameras for HSIS while at Unclaimed Baggage | Mar 6th |
Did some D&D Table brainstorming with MrWorld and Dickie | Mar 5 |
Presented 5 minute informative with Brimstone on the HSIS to the HAL5 group at the Huntsville public library | Mar 5 |
Posted article on Hackerspace Awards to HA: Call for Categories | Omegix 17:31, 4 March 2010 (CST) |
Set date (Mar 9th) to meet up with Powers to work on Google App Engine | Omegix 13:49, 4 March 2010 (CST) |
Talked to midsouthmakers and Mudflap (HC) about starting up the next Hackerspace Meetup | Omegix 09:53, 4 March 2010 (CST) |
Posted Twitter Scavenger Hunt article in the Huntsville livejournal community | Omegix 09:28, 4 March 2010 (CST) |
Participated in HSIS Meeting | Mar 1st |
Troubleshot serial port persistance with Brimstone on the server that Bottlerocket and mod_X10 are installed on | Mar 1st |
Requested\Received a wordpress account. Requested email account for omegix, as well as HackerspaceAwards alias account | Omegix 16:08, 1 March 2010 (CST) |
Advertised Hammer class on general email list and in the channel topic | Omegix 16:08, 1 March 2010 (CST) |
Took shop measurements for Virtual Shop | Feb 27 |
Hooked up X10 module (A3) to the PartyBall. posted command to activate it to the #makerslocal channel | Omegix 14:19, 26 February 2010 (CST) |
Looked for neutral wire in the light socket. Could not find it. | Omegix 14:19, 26 February 2010 (CST) |
Added Hackerspace Awards to Hackespace Call-in meeting | Omegix 14:19, 26 February 2010 (CST) |
Set date of next HSIS meeting | Omegix 09:48, 25 February 2010 (CST) |
advertised HA in channels and email | Feb 24 |
Re-started Chicken Roast | Omegix 14:03, 23 February 2010 (CST) |
Got fire code requirements for our building from teh fire marshall. Reported findings back to the board, waiting on instructions. | Omegix 14:03, 23 February 2010 (CST) |
Updated meeting minutes Meetings/2010-02#Meeting_Notes | Omegix 09:26, 23 February 2010 (CST) |
Attended first HSIS meeting | Feb 22 |
Attended General Meeting at Makers Local | Feb 22 |
Updated Pig Roast page with lessons learned (in case we're masochistic enough to try this twice!) | Omegix 16:30, 22 February 2010 (CST) |
spent 12 hours at the Pig Roast. sooo tired. | Feb 20th |
Coordinated sponsors for charcoal, wood, and ice for Pig Roast | Omegix 15:31, 18 February 2010 (CST) |
Contacted about potentially setting up a email account | Omegix 15:31, 18 February 2010 (CST) |
Contacted benelene about helping with info flier for Hackerspace Awards | Omegix 15:31, 18 February 2010 (CST) |
Attended the general Brainstorm meeting for ML256 | Feb 17, 2010 |
Announced HSIS Interest Meeting for ML256 | Omegix 14:25, 16 February 2010 (CST) |
Called Fire Marshall about fire extinguisher regulations | Omegix 15 February 2010 (CST) |
Contacted Jay at Workshop88 about collaborating on Hackerspace Awards | Omegix 17:17, 11 February 2010 (CST) |
Installed mod_X10 and associated hardware in the Makers Local server closet, with Matt and Kinsey's awesome assistance :) | Omegix 21:19, 10 February 2010 (CST) |
Continued Hackerspaces Award conversation. Focused on award recipient selection. | Omegix 09:40, 10 February 2010 (CST) |
Troubleshot Ackis X10 Module for remote connectivity | Feb 9th |
Started Hackerspace Awards conversation in hackerspaces mailing list | Feb 9th |
Worked on GPS Puzzle Box. Imported gps libraries. Fixed short in gps breakout board. | Feb 9th |
Took video and pictures of Gregabyte's aluminum forge for the front page | Feb 9th |
Implemented some missing remote ackis module code that was missing | Omegix 21:42, 8 February 2010 (CST) |
Added new functionalities to Ackis X10 Module | Feb 6th |
Rode the Chicken Roast failboat. But was able to pitch in some quality labor at cleanup day | Feb 6th |
Fixed ModuleOFF function in Ackis X10 Module. Contacted Spacefelix about X10 flourescent switch install | Omegix 09:31, 5 February 2010 (CST) |
Worked on Ackis X10 Module | Omegix 01:04, 5 February 2010 (CST) |
Posted Pig Roast advertisements to ML256 blog, and facebook. Submitted a PSA to NPR for event. | Omegix 01:04, 5 February 2010 (CST) |
Coordinated for Chicken Roast | Omegix 01:04, 5 February 2010 (CST) |
Coordinated with Tim and Kinsey for the electronics equipment purchase\transport. | Omegix 16:15, 2 February 2010 (CST) |
Coordinated with Alii to take care of silent auction for Pig Roast | Omegix 16:15, 2 February 2010 (CST) |
Generated pdf copies of the member's 2009 Annual Receipts for their taxes (for the ones that donated more than $250). Emailed them to Tim. | Omegix 14:52, 27 January 2010 (CST) |
Added more content to How_to_write_D_modules | Omegix 13:43, 27 January 2010 (CST) |
Did some Pig Roast Coordination | Omegix 13:43, 27 January 2010 (CST) |
Worked on X10 Ackis Module | Omegix 23:55, 26 January 2010 (CST) |
Created tool that checks to make sure each name in the "Running Total" sheet is Unique. This allows the Annual Receipt Tool to query on a user without worries of alternative spellings. "Jeffrey Cotten" vs. "Jeff Cotten" vs. "Jeff Cotton" | Omegix 16:03, 26 January 2010 (CST) |
Created Annual Receipt creation tools to the Makers Local accounting googledoc | Omegix 15:42, 26 January 2010 (CST) |
Added Email from Don about robotics meetup to front of site | Omegix 10:24, 26 January 2010 (CST) |
Worked on the X10 Ackis Module | Jan 25 |
Received an update from an ECHO board member at NGC. We were passed on this cycle's request for a charitable donation, but they would like to hear from us again in the future. | Omegix 14:12, 25 January 2010 (CST) |
Added Chicken Roast for Preaux | Omegix 09:22, 25 January 2010 (CST) |
Added How_to_write_D_modules beginners guide | Omegix 09:22, 25 January 2010 (CST) |
Finished breakout board for GPS module for GPS Puzzle Box. Toyed with some of the potential GPS libraries for arduino. | Jan 23 |
Revised proposal for donation recognition fundraiser | Jan 22 |
Helped tag some items in storage for salvage | Jan 22, Jan 23 |
Worked on X10 Ackis Module | Jan 21, Jan 22, Jan 23, Jan 24 |
Created page for X10 Ackis Module | Omegix 17:00, 21 January 2010 (CST) |
Participated in Pig Roast discussion on IRC. Determined price for event | Omegix 16:13, 21 January 2010 (CST) |
Added some topics to the next board meeting agenda. Added some helpful links to the wiki for new members. | Omegix 22:14, 20 January 2010 (CST) |
Participated in hackerspaces email list, contributed list of financial software solutions to the wiki | Jan 20 |
Helped clean up for DnD 101 class at shop | Jan 19 2010 |
Met with MrWorld and Powers to generate characters for DnD 101 | Jan 18 2010 |
Sent out meeting reminder about DnD 101 to Announce list | Omegix 11:13, 18 January 2010 (CST) |
Visited freeside Atlanta hackerspace. MrWorld wrote down some ideas generated from the visit | Jan 16 |
Read article and wrote a synopsis for the board on writing receipts. See link in Writing Receipts for article. | Omegix 23:51, 14 January 2010 (CST) |
Worked on GPS Puzzle Box. Stripped GPS interface wires in preperation of creating a breakout board. | 12 January 2010 |
Spent time showing potential members around the shop. Karrika, Zach, EvilMike | 12 January 2010 |
Inquired about moving board meeting so it doesn't conflict with DnD 101 | Omegix 09:42, 6 January 2010 (CST) |
Inquired with Preaux about getting rotisserie early to hook a motor up to it | Omegix 09:42, 6 January 2010 (CST) |
Did some confirmations and brainstorming for Pig Roast | Omegix 14:46, 4 January 2010 (CST) |
Sent Simon an email inquiring about completion of his stage | Omegix 14:46, 4 January 2010 (CST) |